Could Christine L. Meant the 25th through the 27th of Nov 2014?...
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Thread: Could Christine L. Meant the 25th through the 27th of Nov 2014?...

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    Could Christine L. Meant the 25th through the 27th of Nov 2014?...

    Hello All...

    Boy, it certainly has been an interesting week thus far in dinarland... Parliament decided to take a week off, reconvene on the 25th, and prepare for what could be a 27th of Nov. RV... Yes, I am back simply because the news has been quite exciting, and telling at the same time... This process has been a painstaking one to say the least... My sympathy goes out to those who have been, and are affected by the economy in Iraq... Those within the governmental process have been the least bothered by what has been transpired over the last 11 years... These government officials have been paid whether through their regular paychecks, or bribes... Nonetheless, their plight has been nothing compared to the common Iraqi... Which once again shows the evil that exists in our world, and the nature of the man's spirit when not lead by the Spirit of God... We can be selfish, self serving, and without compassion of even those within our own country of residence...

    Without the One True God leading those who are leading a nation, the people perish in the advent of time... Lack of discernment, and understanding as defined by our Almighty Creator has lead to the rise, and fall of nations throughout history... Nothing has changed, and we see the results of lawlessness within our country having an adverse effect on the well being of this once mostly God fearing nation.... Which leads one understand to realize that which is created will never heal the spirit in man... Once the lines are blurred on what is just, and right, it is only a matter of time before that which our Creator has always defined as right becomes wrong, and that which God considers wrong becomes right... Hence the mystery of lawlessness which leads to lies being believed instead of Truth... The love of sin, and the practice thereof has been the Achilles heel of mankind from our beginnings in the Garden of Eden...

    God seems to always have multiple reasons as to why He allows for certain things to transpire at a time frame that is always impeccably right.... Knowing the hearts of all that exist allows for Him to see what is needed, and the type of judgment necessary for a people of any nation... His judgments are always just, and true, and His mercy never fails... So while we lament the tragedies that take place throughout the world within every tribe, nation, and tongue, we must have faith in knowing our Creator understands more than the creation as to what will be best for the people of a nation...

    And concerning those who placed their trust in Him, and strive to live in accordance to His will as scripture, or the bible decrees, well, we understand this even more so... Our faith is not in vain, even though we may be adversely affected in the flesh by events that transpire in our world, our strength comes forth from the Spirit of the Most High God... The One, and Only True God, in order to endure physical trials that befall mankind mainly due to hedonism, or lawlessness that goes on within our Creator's world without the desire to repent of it...

    So with that being said, remember that Christine L. did mention within her press conference the numbers 25, (as it pertained to the number of years it has been since the fall of the Berlin Wall), and the need for the G7 (supposed to be G8.. Russia was still involved in this group as her press conference was on the 15th of January... Russia was expelled from the group on the 24th of March 2014, thus it once again becoming the G7), and the G20 to be involved in the process of ensuring that the world's economic conditions improve... Using numerology within her speech, IMF chief was sending a message that involved a time frame to look for that involved her use of numbers...

    So with all that has, and is going on these last few days, could it be out of the realm of possibility that she meant this process would begin on the 25th of November, and the desired outcome would come to fruition on the 27th of November 2014... Considering the fact that the Iraqi parliament took off almost a week before reconvening on the 25th, and began passing the laws that are necessary to enable them to do make it an environment for foreign companies, and investors to do business in Iraq.. As well as the fact that the former CBI head Shabibi is back in Iraq... We have conditions that would certainly lead one to believe that something that many have been waiting for is about to transpire within this nation where the tower of Babel once stood.... Yet unfinished because it was not time for the world to become as one nation, or a one world order at that point in time... The separation of languages no longer effects this due to technology though, so we see the advancement of it in God's own time frame...

    Here is the link for her speech once more...

    Last night Poppy had mentioned that it was very important to seek wisdom from God as it pertains to this investment, and how to best utilize the monies received from it once it becomes a reality... While this is important, I'm sure that Poppy is mostly concerned with our spiritual well being, and the focus we need to have upon it as it pertains to God's Word... God points out, and emphasizes throughout our need to listen to Him through obedience by applying His principles, and precepts in our own personal lives as it pertains to our conduct upon His earth.. If we do not forsake God, He will be faithful in not forsaking us... Whether we are rich, or poor, our Father in heaven will be our strength through good, and bad times we all experience in life... But we have to realize our need for Him which involves His Spirit in us.. Without Him one is lost, and all that is in life becomes nothing more than vanity...

    King Solomon wrote of this as he entered the latter stages of his physical existence... Realizing his folly, and seeing the results of forsaking God, this once wise king had everything as it pertains to the flesh, and forsook God in the process because he had placed his whole emphasis upon it... Realizing though it meant nothing without God, and only leads to wanting more of it in the futile attempt to find happiness in it... Finding contentment in the flesh is temporary at best, and will not bring forth the experience of joy because of having God our Creator as paramount within our lives... We must all remember to keep our focus on this, and remember the temporary state of anything pertaining to that which is created... Use it for good, and remember that there are many who are in need... Remember the example written of in the book of Acts as it pertained to those who had excess lands, and these individuals selling them, and giving the proceeds to their fellow brethren who were in need... This was well pleasing God our Savior...

    God will always take care of our physical needs as long as we emphasize the need for our focus to be on our spiritual well being... There should be nothing to fear if God is leading one through His faithful Spirit... For God is love, and perfect love has no fear... One has this love if God does indeed dwell in them through the Son of God... So there should be no fear... NO matter what circumstance we may find ourselves in...

    So lets see what transpires tomorrow... God bless you all, and take care... God's will be done, and His kingdom will come... Happy Thanksgiving to all, and we have much to be thankful for... Especially the reward, which is our salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord, and Savior... Blessed be His Name... The Name that is above all others...

    Last edited by popeye7; 11-26-2014 at 10:01 PM.

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