What A Wonderful World It Could Be.... And Will Be In A Time Yet Future...
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Thread: What A Wonderful World It Could Be.... And Will Be In A Time Yet Future...

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    What A Wonderful World It Could Be.... And Will Be In A Time Yet Future...

    Clearly the world we live in is wrought with confusion, and deception on a scale that it would be wise to place ones trust in God rather than the current world we live in... The one secret that many believers in Christ Jesus have not come to believe, or refuse to grasp is the orchestrated events that are going in Iraq... Central banks all around the world are being used to hamstring any attempts for the inhabitants of a nation to truly exercise the right to do as they would desire... If the economy within a country does fail, what else can a country do?... Military would be of no use without monetary means to run it... Could not buy the necessities such as food, ect... While we have been convinced that a global economy is a good thing, on the other side of the argument we see that national sovereignty has to be relinquished in many ways.. If a country is importing more than they produce, and that countries economy collapses, how will that country survive?.... Think about it!...

    The world is moving in the direction of no longer needing the US as time passes... This has been orchestrated, and sadly could be remedied if this nation would repent... That is the key... Our policies will fail, no matter how great the idea, if God is not for us... Are we fulfilling His prophetic Word as it pertains to the climatic end of this age... Did God already know the outcome as it pertains to this country, and the world at large?... He does know the end from the beginning!... So while the Lord God would love nothing more than a nation wide repentance, the need to change laws within our land that are conducive to His will would also be necessary... But it would have to be a willingness to want to change, and there would have to be some very dramatic changes that would have to be made... Would this country, which bases its existence on the exercise of freedom of choice, be willing to submit to God's laws, or ten commandments and let go of the lawlessness that has truly redefined our nations understanding of true liberty?... Liberty through Christ Jesus instead of liberty through lawlessness... Judging by what passes for freedom of expression in the various forms it is exercised via our media, the love of God's Way, Truth, and definition of Life has been replaced by the ethics of Sodom.. And we all know what happened to that city, and the surrounding cities that had been corrupted by the practice of lawlessness...

    So while this nation continues to sink deeper into the moral abyss, the easier it will be for our nation to completely collapse at our Creator's own choosing... He is the final judge in all of this... We can point fingers at politicians until the proverbial "cows come home," but the bottom-line is our nation is being judged... In various ways we have been judged already... Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, pestilences, and crime have been on the increase in resent decades because of our continued hedonistic behavior, and the increase thereof... Some years have been worse than others, but lets face it... Where we are at compared to 50 years ago, or better yet a decade ago as it pertains to moral standards in accordance to our Creator's Word contained within the bible, has lead many to be easily deceived, and looking for answers in all the wrong places... As well as seeking solutions of a physical nature, that are spiritual problems to begin with... A nation must change from within, and make the decision to do so in accordance to the will of God... So a spiritual solution will only resolve a problem that exists that is spiritual in nature... The flesh cannot truly change who a person is... It could very well make a person temporarily at ease, or happy, but would it sustain when troubles rear their ugly head again...

    This article, if factual, is another illustration of what is going on behind the scenes in our world... https://henrymakow.com/2014/08/ISIS-a...ostors%20.html ... One cannot simply dismiss what is transpiring in our world as it pertains to the separation, and downright staging of events in order to foment chaos, hatred towards one another, and the eventual war which will cause much bloodshed... The result of sinfulness, and evil which only succeeds where lawless behavior breeds... The devil knows this... He understands the more humanity gives in to his temptations, the more control he will be able to exercise as it pertains to our actions, and conduct... Again God has allowed for this wanting us to learn from it... But the love for the lusts of the flesh have superseded the love for our Most High Creator, and as we see that lesson has not been learned... Sadly, it will not be understood until humanity is on the brink of ultimate annihilation... Don't think that mankind could bring itself to that point?... Better read the scriptures, and realize that as sin escalates in practice, life becomes less important to those who are ensnared by it...

    So while all peoples of this world are being used, only a few understand the final goal Satan has in mind... But even then, the Synagogue of Satan, or those who claim to be of Jewish descent, yet are not (See Revelation chapters 2, and 3 verse 9 in both chapters) understand their masters goal, but only to a certain extent... While they are promised a world that they will rule for a thousand years under their false messiah, the beast, this kingdom will be brought to an end by the mercy, and will of the very One who gave them life, and let live despite their lawless behavior... These fallen personages were never meant to succeed forever... They are allowed to live, and follow through with such diabolical schemes, so as to show mankind in the end our capacity to govern ourselves apart from God is impossible... A lesson which will have to learned I am afraid, in a most dramatic fashion... But in the end, under the guidance, and direction of our Most Wonderful Creator, the majority of mankind will come to understand that He has always wanted what is best for us.. Humanity has made the mistake of listening to the wrong council, and has time after time repeated the same mistakes to our peril... But again, all is not lost... Despite the horrible events that have yet to be fulfilled as God's Word points out...

    So again, so while this RV will transpire at a time of Gods own choosing, please remember that we must not allow ourselves to be so blinded by our new found wealth, that we forget the reality of the world we live in, and where it is headed in the not to distant future... God is giving us time to prepare spiritually for a time of great upheaval for this country, and those who have adopted the West's hedonistic behavior... This is a reality that will need to be addressed by all who are willing to believe scripture as it pertains to how our Righteous God judges the nations...

    Here is another article that is written by an individual who has some great insight as it pertains to the BRICS movement... While he does not address the spiritual problems that beset Western culture as being the ultimate reason for our demise as a world power, the author does address quite thoroughly how this is being orchestrated... Evil is everywhere.. Yet hedonism, and lawlessness is far more rampant in some countries more than others... And God has always used evil nations to punish a greater wickedness that exists within a nation or nations... The Assyrians overthrowing the Northern Kingdom of Israel, as well as the the Babylonians being used by God to overthrow the Kingdom of Judah over a century later... Several examples of how this transpired within God's Word...

    Here is the link to that article... https://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/...orld-currency/

    So again, what we see in the mainstream press, (including FOX) is not always what it seems to be... It is best to remain wise as the serpent, or the one who has been allowed by God to deceive the world because of the increase in lawlessness, yet gentle as doves... This is going to have to play out as God Almighty has foreseen it, and as contained within His Word... There is nothing that will change that which is inevitable because of the Mystery of Lawlessness... What we can do as individuals in making sure WHO we place our trust in, and focus upon will indeed save us from becoming a part of the problem... For in the end, God's kingdom is the only true solution... This will transpire when the 7th, and last trumpet blows as the King of kings, and Lord of lords returns to overthrow the forces of evil, and their rule over a mostly deceived mankind...

    Take Care, and God bless...

    Last edited by popeye7; 08-21-2014 at 12:54 AM.

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