" The Daily Dinar " , Monday, 29 July 2013
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  1. #1

    " The Daily Dinar " , Monday, 29 July 2013

    The Washington Post recommends Obama's pressure on al-Maliki to settle his dispute with partners as a condition for supporting intelligence

    29-07-2013 | (صوت العراق) - 29-07-2013 | (Voice of Iraq)
     ترجمة المدى  translation term
    رأت صحيفة واشنطن بوست في افتتاحيتها امس، ان على ادارة اوباما الضغط على المالكي واشتراط اتخاذه بعض الإجراءات في مقابل الدعم والسلاح الأميركي، وبخلاف هذا فان المتطرفين في العراق سيكونون مشكلة اميركا الأمنية. Saw the Washington Post in an editorial yesterday that the Obama administration's pressure on al-Maliki and the requirement taken some action in return for American support and arms, and other than this, the extremists in Iraq will be America's security problem.
    وقالت الصحيفة ان نائب مستشار الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما، في حينها لشؤون الامن الوطني، دنيس ماكدونو، كان قد قال، خلال حديثه عن قرار تشرين الاول 2011 بسحب القوات نهائيا، ان "ما كنا نطمح اليه هو عراق آمن ومستقر ومعتمد على نفسه، وهذا ما حصلنا عليه، لذا لا شك ان هذا كان نجاحا". The newspaper said the Vice-Chancellor of President Barack Obama, in time for National Security Affairs, Denis McDonough, he had said, during his speech for the decision in October 2011 to withdraw troops completely, said, "What we aspire to is a secure, stable and supported on the same, and this is what we got it, so I do not doubt that this was a success. "
    وعلقت الصحيفة بالقول ان من الواضح اليوم ان كلام السيد ماكدونو كان سابقا لاوانه. The newspaper commented by saying that it is clear today that the words of Mr. McDonough was premature. فبعد واحد وعشرين شهرا، ترى العراق الان يعاني من اسوأ موجة عنف منذ استراتيجية زخم القوات الاميركية لوقف الحرب الاهلية الطائفية في العام 2007، وقدرة الولايات المتحدة على المساعدة محدودة الان بسبب قرار السيد اوباما بسحب كامل القوات الاميركية من العراق. After twenty-one months, see Iraq now suffers from the worst wave of violence since U.S. forces momentum strategy to stop the sectarian civil war in 2007, and the United States' ability to help is limited now because of Mr. Obama's decision to withdraw the entire U.S. troops from Iraq.
    وتابعت الصحيفة قولها ان "تجدد الصراع في العراق لفت الانتباه في الاسبوع الماضي بسبب الهجوم المثير الذي نفذته القاعدة على سجون، من بينها منشأة سجن ابي غريب قرب بغداد." The newspaper as saying that "the renewed conflict in Iraq drew attention last week because of the dramatic attack was carried out by al-Qaeda on prisons, including the establishment of the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad." واشارت الصحيفة الى ان "الهجوم المنسق ادى الى فرار مئات السجناء الامنيين، بمن فيهم عدد من كبار قادة القاعدة". The paper pointed out that "coordinated attack led to the flight of hundreds of security prisoners, including a number of senior al Qaeda leaders."
    ورأت الصحيفة ان "تحرير هؤلاء يبدو انه من المؤكد يغذي مزيدا من العنف ليس في العراق حسب بل حتى في الجارة سورية، حيث القاعدة تشن حربا ضد حكومة بشار الاسد فضلا عن محاربتها مجموعات متمردة معتدلة". The paper, "The editing of these seems to be certainly feeds more violence not only in Iraq and even in neighboring Syria, where al-Qaeda waging war against the government of Bashar al-Assad as well as the fight against insurgent groups moderate."
    وكانت اراقة الدماء قد تصاعدت حدتها. The bloodshed has escalated. فخلال الشهور الاربعة الماضية، قتل ما يقرب من 3 الاف شخص وجرح ما يزيد عن 7 الاف، طبقا لما تذكر الامم المتحدة. During the past four months, killing nearly 3000 people and injured more than 7000, according to the UN remember. وكان معظم المدنيين ضحايا تفجيرات القاعدة او هجمات ميليشيات سنية وشيعية عادت الى نشاطها في بغداد وشمال البلد. Most of the civilians were victims of al-Qaeda bombings or attacks by Sunni and Shiite militias returned to activity in Baghdad and north of the country. ونشاط كل هذه القوى جرى في جزء منه بسبب الحرب السورية، التي حفزت السنة ايضا ضد الشيعة والطائفة العلوية. The activity of each of these forces was in part due to the Syrian war, which also stimulated the year against the Shia and Alawite sect. لكن الاضطرابات في العراق تعزى ايضا الى السياسات الطائفية الضيقة وشبه الاستبدادية التي ينتهجها رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي، الذي لاحق زعماء سنة في حكومته وارسل قوات لمهاجمة معسكر احتجاج سني. But the turmoil in Iraq is also attributed to the narrow sectarian politics and semi-authoritarian pursued by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who later Sunni leaders in his government and sent troops to attack Sunni protest camp.
    واتخذ المالكي مؤخرا خطوات صغيرة باتجاه تهدئة الانقسامات الطائفية في البلد، كما تقول الصحيفة، من خلال افتتاحه مفاوضات مع حكومة اقليم كردستان بشمال العراق وسماحه باجراء انتخابات مجالس المحافظات المؤجلة في المحافظات السنية. And al-Maliki recently took small steps toward calming sectarian divisions in the country, according to the newspaper, through the opening of negotiations with the Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq and allowing to hold provincial elections in the Sunni provinces deferred. ومع ذلك، ما زالت هناك حاجة ملحة الى اتخاذ مزيد من التدابير الحاسمة للحيلولة دون انزلاق البلد مرة اخرى الى حرب اهلية. However, there is still an urgent need to take more decisive measures to prevent the country sliding back into civil war. وعلى الرغم من انسحاب القوات الاميركية، فان الولايات المتحدة ما زالت تتمتع ببعض الثقل، وحان الوقت الان لاستعماله. Despite the withdrawal of U.S. troops, the United States still has some gravity, and now is the time to use.
    وقالت الصحيفة ان ادارة اوباما عرضت لمدة طويلة جدا دعما غير مشروط للسيد المالكي. The newspaper said that the Obama administration offered for a very long unconditional support for Mr. Maliki. والان ينبغي من الادارة ابلاغه ان استمرار المساعدة العسكرية الاميركية، ومن بينها تسليمه انظمة اسلحة كبيرة، سوف يعتمد على ما اذا كانت حكومته مستعدة لاسقاط التهم الموجهة ضد زعماء سنة والتوصل الى اتفاق مع الاكراد بشأن الاراضي المتنازع عليها وتقاسم العائدات. Now, from the administration should tell him that the continuation of U.S. military aid, including the extradition of a large weapons systems, will depend on whether the government was ready to drop the charges against the leaders of the Year and to reach an agreement with the Kurds over disputed territory and revenue sharing. وينبغي من البيت الابيض ايضا التشديد على ان يتصرف المالكي لتحجيم مجموعات ميليشاوية شيعية. The White House should also be emphasized that Maliki is acting to curb Shiite Milishawih groups.
    وفي الوقت نفسه، كما تختتم الصحيفة، ينبغي من البيت الابيض مراجعة ما اذا كان يستطيع ان يعرض على القوات المسلحة العراقية دعما اضافيا ـ في مجال الاستخبارات او التدريب او المعدات ـ لمواجهة التهديدات المتزايدة القادم من القاعدة. At the same time, the paper also concluded, from the White House should review whether it can be presented to the Iraqi armed forces additional support in the field of intelligence, training or equipment to meet the growing threats coming from al-Qaeda. فاذا لم يجر التصدي لهم، فان القوى المتطرفة في العراق ستصبح عاجلا ام اجلا مشكلة امنية اميركية، على حد وصفها. If have not been addressed to them, the extremist forces in Iraq sooner or later will become a U.S. security problem, as described.


  2. #2
    The Iftar Dinner :
    Iraqi Chicken & Rice and Lamb Kabab

    Ramadan is an Islamic religious observance that takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, when the Qur’an was revealed. It is considered the most venerated and blessed month of the Islamic year. Prayers, sawm (fasting), charity, and self-accountability are especially stressed at this time; religious observances associated with Ramadan are kept throughout the month. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. They do not even drink water during this time. Iftar refers to the evening meal for breaking the daily fast. Iftar during Ramadan is often done as a community, with Muslims gathering to break their fast together. Iftar is done right after Maghrib (sunset) time. Annually, the REO holds an Iftar dinner & invites all of the local leaders & friends from the surrounding communities to join in the feast.

    Iftar meetings to participate in creating harmony among political leaders, says Alewi
    Monday, 29 July 2013 00:40

    Baghdad (AIN) -The member of the Iraqi National Alliance, Kareem Alewi, pointed out “Iftar meetings participate in creating harmony among the political leaders.”

    He stated to AIN “The head of the INA, Ibraheem al-Jaafary called MPs, the Speaker, and Osama al-Nijaifi, the Deputy Premier, Salih al-Mutleg, the Vice President, Khudair al-Khuzayi and a number of other political leaders for Iftar meeting and there was a kind of accord among them.”

    “Such meetings help in confronting the critical current stage that witnesses prisoners’ escape and sectarian displacement,” he concluded.


    President Obama Hosts an Iftar Dinner
    July 25, 2013 | 7:29

    President Obama hosts an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan in the State Dining Room. This is the fifth Iftar that President Obama has hosted, continuing the tradition of hosting Iftars that began annually under President Clinton and was continued by President George W. Bush. The invited guests include elected officials, religious and grassroots leaders in the Muslim American community, and leaders of diverse faiths and members of the diplomatic corps.


  3. #3
    Maliki is Najafi bring Shahristani and security leaders to Parliament
    29-07-2013 | (صوت العراق) - 29-07-2013 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Baghdad (Iraq) / Ahmed Mohamed
    قالَ مجلس النواب العراقي ان رئيسي الحكومة والبرلمان اتفقا على تشكيل لجنة مشتركة تتولى حل الخلافات والمشاكل الحالية بين الطرفين وتذليل عقباتها، عادا ان اللقاء يمثل محاولة متقدمة لتذليل العقبات التي تحول دون اتفاق وطني على مجمل القضايا المطروحة. He said the Iraqi Council of Representatives that key government and parliament agreed to form a joint committee to resolve differences and problems existing between the parties and overcome عقباتها, returned to the meeting represents an advanced attempt to overcome the obstacles that prevent the national agreement on the overall issues.
    وقال النائب احمد المساري لـ”المستقبل” أمس (الأحد 28 تموز 2013) ان المالكي والنجيفي ناقشا خلال لقائهما الاخير الخميس الماضي الازمات الحالية في المشهد السياسي بينها الوضع الامني العاصمة (بغداد) والتهجير الطائفي في محافظة ديالى، وهروب السجناء من سجني التاجي وابو غريب والقوانين المعطلة في مجلس النواب والعلاقة بين السلطتين التنفيذية والتشريعية. The MP said Ahmed electrodes for "future" yesterday (Sunday, July 28, 2013) that al-Maliki and Nujaifi discussed during their meeting last Thursday, the current crises in the political scene, including the security situation, the capital (Baghdad) and displacement sectarian in Diyala province, and the escape of prisoners from prisons Taji and Abu Ghraib and laws stalled in the House of Representatives and the relationship between the executive and legislative branches.


  4. #4
    A parliamentary committee: dropping Nationality Almzodjh of the Maliki weapon to ward off rivals
    29-07-2013 | (صوت العراق) - 29-07-2013 | (Voice of Iraq)
    بغداد (العراق)/ وليد مهدي Baghdad (Iraq) / Walid al-Mahdi

    رأتْ اللجنَة القانونية البرلمانية ان إقرار مجلس الوزراء، مشروع يحظر على المسؤولين الحكوميين الجمع بين جنسيتين بانه يحمل اهدافاً سياسية بعد اعتراض ائتلاف دولة القانون بزعامة رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي على تشريع البرلمان لهذا القانون منذ سنوات. Parliamentary Legal Committee considered that the adoption of the Council of Ministers, the draft prohibits government officials from the combination of dual citizenship he holds political targets after objection State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on legislation to Parliament this law for years.
    ويرى مراقبون ان تفعيل المالكي لهذا القانون هدفه اسقاط منافسيه على منصب رئيس الوزراء امثال اياد علاوي وعادل عبد المهدي وإبراهيم الجعفري وبهاء الأعرجي وأحمد الجلبي واخرين. Observers believe that the activation of al-Maliki to this law aimed at dropping his rivals on the position of the likes of Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and Adel Abdul-Mahdi, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, Bahaa al-Araji, Ahmad Chalabi and others.
    وقال نائب رئيس اللجنة البرلمانية امير الكناني لـ «المستقبل» أمس ان موعد وتاريخ تقديم مشروع اسقاط الجنسية الثانية من المسؤولين في الحكومة يعطيه صبغة سياسية لن يكون بعيدا عن الاستهدافات، خاصة ان ائتلاف رئيس الوزراء هو المعترض الاول على مقترح قانون قدمه البرلمان منذ سنوات بهذا الخصوص, فضلا عن اعتراض رئيس كتلة دولة القانون منذ ثلاثة ايام على فقرة بتعديل قانون الانتخابات تمنع اصحاب الجنسيتين من الترشح لعضوية مجلس النواب. The deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee Prince Kanani's «future» yesterday that the time and date of submission of the draft dropping second nationality of officials in government give him a political nature will not be away from الاستهدافات, especially that the coalition of Prime Minister is the Interceptor first on the proposed law by Parliament years ago in this regard , as well as the head of the objection of state law, three days ago, a clause amending the election law to prevent the owners of dual citizenship from running for membership in the Council of Representatives.


  5. #5
    Imprisonment of Morsi, pending further investigation, such as demonstrations in support and opposition

    26-07-2013 | (صوت العراق) - 26-07-2013 | (Voice of Iraq)

    Cairo (Reuters)
    قالت وكالة أنباء الشرق الأوسط المصرية يوم الجمعة إن قاضي تحقيق أمر بحبس الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي لاتهامات من بينها التخابر مع حركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) وخطف وقتل جنود. Agency said the Egyptian Middle East News on Friday that the investigating judge ordered the imprisonment of President Mohamed Morsi isolated to charges including collaborating with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the kidnapping and killing of soldiers.

    ويتحفظ الجيش على مرسي منذ عزله قائلا إن هذا حفاظا على سلامته. The army has reservations on Mursi since isolated saying this in order to preserve its integrity. ومن المرجح أن يذكي هذا النبأ التوتر قبل احتجاجات حاشدة يوم الجمعة وصفت بأنها استعراض للقوة بين مؤيدي ومعارضي الرئيس الإسلامي مرسي وهو أول رئيس ينتخب في انتخابات حرة في البلاد. It is likely to stoke a splash tension before the mass protests on Friday described as a show of force between the supporters and opponents of the President Morsi Islamic, a first president elected in free elections in the country.

    وحذر الجانبان من إراقة الدماء في مصر التي تعاني اضطرابات سياسية واقتصادية منذ انتفاضة عام 2011 التي أنهت حكم حسني مبارك بعد أن استمر 30 عاما. Both sides warned of bloodshed in Egypt experiencing political and economic turmoil since the uprising of 2011, which ended the rule of Hosni Mubarak after that lasted 30 years.

    وقالت وكالة الشرق الأوسط إن لائحة الاتهام الموجهة لمرسي تشمل "السعي والتخابر مع حركة حماس للقيام بأعمال عدائية في البلاد والهجوم على المنشآت الشرطية والضباط والجنود واقتحام السجون المصرية وتخريب مبانيها وإشعال النيران عمدا في سجن وادي النطرون وتمكين السجناء من الهرب وهروبه شخصيا من السجن." The agency said the Middle East that the indictment against the Mursi include "The Pursuit of collaborating with Hamas to carry out hostile acts in the country and the attack on the installations police officers and soldiers and the storming of the Egyptian prisons and vandalized buildings and fires deliberately prison in Wadi Natrun and enable the prisoners to escape and escape personally from prison."

    وأضافت أن الاتهامات تضمنت أيضا "إتلاف الدفاتر والسجلات الخاصة بالسجون واقتحام أقسام الشرطة وتخريب المباني العامة والأملاك وقتل بعض السجناء والضباط والجنود عمدا مع سبق الإصرار واختطاف بعض الضباط والجنود." She added that the charges also included the "destruction of the books and records of Prisons and storming police stations and destruction of public buildings and property and killed some prisoners and officers and soldiers deliberately premeditated and the kidnapping of some of the officers and soldiers."

    وتتصل الاتهامات بفراره من سجن وادي النطرون عام 2011 بعد أن ألقي القبض عليه خلال الانتفاضة ضد مبارك وتوفر أساسا قانونيا لاستمرار التحفظ عليه. And relate accusations بفراره of Wadi Natrun prison in 2011 after he was arrested during the uprising against Mubarak and provide a legal basis for the continuation of custody.

    ويتحفظ الجيش على مرسي منذ عزله في الثالث من يوليو تموز إثر احتجاجات حاشدة معارضة لحكمه الذي استمر عاما. The army has reservations on Mursi since isolated on the third of July, after the mass protests of opposition to his rule, which lasted years. وكانت واشنطن قد دعت الى الإفراج عنه. And Washington had called for his release.

    ونددت جماعة الاخوان المسلمين التي ينتمي لها مرسي بالاتهامات الموجهة له. And denounced the Muslim Brotherhood, which Mursi belongs to the charges against him.

    وقال المتحدث باسم جماعة الاخوان جهاد الحداد "في نهاية المطاف نعلم أن كل هذه الاتهامات ليست نابعة سوى من وحي خيال قلة من قادة الجيش ودكتاتورية عسكرية... سنواصل احتجاجاتنا في الشوارع." A spokesman for the Brotherhood, Jihad Haddad "Ultimately we know that all these charges are not stem only from the imagination of a few of the leaders of the army and the military dictatorship ... We will continue our protests in the streets."

    وألقى الفريق اول عبد الفتاح السيسي القائد العام للقوات المسلحة الكرة في ملعب الاخوان فدعا المصريين الى الاحتشاد على مستوى البلاد يوم الجمعة لإعطاء الجيش "تفويضا" لمواجهة العنف الذي بدأ بعد عزل مرسي. The team delivered the first Abdel Fattah al-Sisi the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the ball in the court of the Muslim Brotherhood called Egyptians to rally across the country on Friday to give the army a "mandate" to confront the violence that began after the dismissal of Mursi.

    وقال مسؤول عسكري إن الجيش أعطى جماعة الاخوان مهلة تنتهي يوم السبت لتنضم الى خارطة الطريق التي وضعها الجيش وتقود لإجراء انتخابات جديدة فيما يمثل نقطة تحول في المواجهة. A military official said the army gave the Brotherhood a Saturday deadline to join the roadmap developed by the army and lead to new elections as a turning point in the confrontation.

    ويخشى الاخوان المسلمون أن يشن الجيش حملة للقضاء على الجماعة التي خرجت من عقود الظل لتفوز بكل الانتخابات التي أجريت منذ الإطاحة بمبارك لكنها واجهت صعوبة في التعامل مع المشاكل الاقتصادية والاجتماعية المتزايدة في البلاد. The Brotherhood fears that the military are waging a campaign to eradicate the group, which emerged from decades shade to win all the elections held since the overthrow of Mubarak but faced difficulty in dealing with economic and social problems in the country's growing.

    وهدد الجيش بأنه سوف "يرفع سلاحه" في وجه من يلجأون للعنف. The army threatened that he would "raise his weapon" in the face of those who resort to violence. وحذرت جماعة الاخوان من حرب أهلية. The Brotherhood has warned of a civil war.

    وقال مسؤول عسكري لرويترز "لن نبادر بأي إجراء لكن سنرد بقسوة بالتاكيد على أي دعوات للعنف أو الارهاب الأسود من زعماء الاخوان أو انصارهم. نتعهد بحماية المحتجين السلميين بغض النظر عن انتمائهم." The military official told Reuters, "will not initiate any action, but certainly we will respond harshly to any calls for violence or terrorism of the Black Brotherhood leaders or their supporters. Pledge to protect peaceful protesters, regardless of their affiliation."

    وتجمع بضع مئات من مؤيدي الجيش في الساعات الاولى من صباح الجمعة في ميدان التحرير بوسط القاهرة قبل المظاهرة الرئيسية التي قد لا تبلغ ذروتها قبل صلاة المغرب. Gathered a few hundred supporters of the army in the early hours of Friday morning in Tahrir Square in central Cairo before the main demonstration, which may not be peaking before the Maghrib prayer.

    وهتف رجل شرطة يقود مجموعة من المتظاهرين "الشعب والجيش والشرطة إيد واحدة." Shouted a policeman leads a group of demonstrators, "the people and the army and police ID one."

    وتقوم ناقلات جند مدرعة بتأمين جميع مداخل الميدان. The armored personnel carriers to secure all entrances to the field.

    ويعتصم أنصار جماعة الاخوان بميدان رابعة العدوية في حي مدينة نصر بالقاهرة منذ 28 يونيو حزيران ويحرسهم رجال يحملون عصيا خلف حواجز وأجولة من الرمال. The Brotherhood supporters marching to the field fourth Adawiya in Cairo's Nasr City district since June 28, and guarded by men carrying sticks behind barricades and sacks of sand. وهم يخشون تكرار ما حدث في الثامن من يوليو تموز حين قتل اكثر من 50 من مؤيدي مرسي بعد إطلاق النار عليهم امام دار الحرس الجمهوري بالقاهرة. They fear a repeat of what happened on the eighth of July, while more than 50 were killed Morsi supporters after being shot in front of the Republican Guard House in Cairo.

    وتبدو المواجهة حتمية بعد اشتباكات على مدى شهر قتل خلالها ما يقرب من 200 شخص أغلبهم من مؤيدي مرسي. Confrontation seems inevitable after a month-long clashes that killed nearly 200 people, mostly supporters of Mercy. ويخشى كثيرون في مصر من الأسوأ. Many fear the worst in Egypt.

    وقال شادي محمد (22 عاما) وهو سائق سيارة اجرة "سأبقى في البيت طول اليوم. الخروج للعمل خطير جدا. لم أكن أعتقد أن الأمور ستسوء في مصر الى هذا الحد لكن كل يوم نسمع عن اشتباكات وقتلى." Shadi Mohammed said 22-year-old taxi driver "I will stay at home all day. Going out to work is very dangerous. Did not think that things get worse in Egypt, to this extent, but every day we hear of clashes and deaths."

    ويتزايد قلق الغرب إزاء الطريق الذي سلكته مصر التي تتلقى مساعدات سنوية من الولايات المتحدة قيمتها 1.5 مليار دولار يذهب أغلبها للجيش. The West is growing concern about the road taken by Egypt, which receive annual aid from the United States worth $ 1.5 billion, goes mostly for the army.

    وقالت واشنطن هذا الاسبوع إنها أجلت تسليم اربع مقاتلات من طراز اف-16 للقاهرة ودعت الجيش الى التحلي "بأقصى درجات ضبط النفس والحذر" في مظاهرات اليوم الجمعة. Washington said this week that it has postponed delivery of four fighter jets F-16s to Egypt and called on the army to exercise "utmost restraint and caution" in demonstrations on Friday.

    وقال نائب وزير الخارجية الامريكي وليام بيرنز لأعضاء الكونجرس يوم الخميس إن إدارة الرئيس باراك أوباما لا تنوي حسم مسألة ما اذا كان عزل مرسي يمثل انقلابا وهي مسألة يمكن أن تؤدي الى وقف المساعدات الامريكية لمصر. Deputy U.S. Secretary of State William Burns to members of Congress on Thursday that President Barack Obama's administration does not intend to resolve the issue of whether to isolate Morsi coup represents an issue that could lead to a cessation of U.S. aid to Egypt.

    من كريسبيان بالمر واسماء الشريف Of كريسبيان Palmer and the names of Sharif

    (إعداد دينا عادل للنشرة العربية - تحرير أمل أبو السعود) (Preparation of our fair bulletin Arab - Liberation hope Abu Saoud)


  6. #6
    SLC MP calls to postpone ratification of pending laws till coming parliament term
    Monday, 29 July 2013 11:18

    Baghdad (AIN) -MP Mufeed al-Baldawi of the State of Law Coalition called to delay the vote on the pending laws drafts till the coming parliament term.

    Baldawi stated to All Iraq News Agency (AIN) "The disputed law drafts such as the Political Parties Law, General Amnesty Law, and others should be referred to the upcoming parliament term to avoid any crisis during the current term which will end within months."

    "For the law drafts that concern the citizens, the parliament must ratify them during this term," he stressed.


  7. #7
    China Looks to Kurdistan as Growing Oil Partner
    by Armando Cordoba

    ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - With China already sucking up more than half of the oil production coming from Iraq, the Kurds may be next in the Chinese energy cross hairs.

    The Chinese begun to sink their teeth into the Kurdish Region’s vast oil potential in 2009 when Sinopec acquired Addax Petroleum, which holds a joint agreement with Genel Energy to develop the Taq Taq oil field.

    To date, a total of 16 development and appraisal wells have been drilled in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, according to a report from The Oil & Gas Year Review for Kurdistan in 2013.

    “Sinopec is China’s largest oil company and has immense capacity to support the development of the downstream sector, both in Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq,” Yi Zhang, the chief executive officer of Addax Petroleum, said in the report.

    Recently, a Chinese delegation visited Rasheed Tahir, the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) minister of finance and economy, to discuss the investment potential for numerous sectors, including oil.

    Michael Howard, the adviser for the minister of natural resources, said currently he is unaware of any further Chinese involvement in Kurdish oil outside Sinopec.

    “The region has a lot of economic potential and we have a lot of investors from a lot of different countries. Having said that, they may well be talking to individual oil companies we wouldn’t necessarily be aware of,” he said.

    The Chinese Embassy in Baghdad did not respond to inquiries about increased vested interest in Kurdistan’s oil market.

    But it is clear that China is looking to Kurdistan to diversify its oil resources through Addax Petroleum, a subsidiary of Chinese state-owned Sinopec.

    “We hope there will be opportunities for Addax Petroleum and our shareholders, Sinopec, to consolidate with other operators in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, to farm into blocks or to obtain equity positions through mergers and acquisitions activities,” Zhang said in the report.

    “China is now making aggressive moves to expand its role, as Iraq is increasingly at odds with oil companies that have cut separate deals with Iraq’s semiautonomous Kurdish region,” The New York Times wrote recently.

    The Kurds offer more generous terms than the central government, but Iraq and the United States consider such deals illegal, it noted.

    It explained that the Chinese were able to undercut a majority of Western oil companies in the south of Iraq following the US.-led invasion in 2003, because the goal of their state-owned oil companies is simply to procure more fuel for China’s growing economy, not profit.


  8. #8
    Dozens Killed in Series of Attacks Across Iraq
    by Armando Cordoba

    A wave of a dozen car bombings hit in and around the Iraqi capital of Baghdad during the morning rush hour on Monday, officials said, killing at least 36people in the latest coordinated attack by insurgents to undermine the government. [ VIDEO ]


  9. #9
    UN envoy deeply concerned about surge of violence in Iraq
    Monday, 29 July 2013 14:20

    Baghdad -The Acting Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Mr. Gyorgy Busztin expressed his deep concern following today’s new wave of car bombings that killed and injured dozens more Iraqis.

    A statement by the UN envoy quoted Busztin as saying "I am deeply concerned about the heightened level of violence which carries the danger that the country falls back into sectarian strife." "

    "Iraq is bleeding from random violence, which sadly reached record heights during the Holy month of Ramadan”, Mr. Butszin noted, urging all political leaders to take immediate and decisive action to stop the senseless bloodshed."


  10. #10
    SLC MP calls to dismiss and sue security leaders
    Monday, 29 July 2013 13:55

    Baghdad (AIN) -MP Mansour al-Timimi of the State of Law Coalition called on Monday to dismiss the current security leaders and bring them to justice.

    Baghdad and a number of other provinces witnessed on Monday morning, a wave of bombings that claimed dozens of lives.

    Timimi said "The concerned authorities must provide security and set urgent and radical solutions to eliminate the terrorist operations including punishing the sides responsible for the terrorist acts and dismissing the security commanders and bring them to justice."

    He strongly condemned the wave of bombings that shook Baghdad and a number of provinces which led to dozens of deaths and injuries.

    AIN has prepared a Casualty Figures where 149 persons have been killed and injured due to the bombings Baghdad witnessed this morning when 11 car bombs exploded in Sadr City, Habibiya, Sha'ab, Kadhmiya, Hurriya, Toubji, Baya', Shurta Rab'a, Risala and Mahmoudiya neighborhoods.

    While 14 people have been wounded when car bomb went off in Khamsa Mile neighborhood to the north of Basra, also Muthanna province witnessed the killing and injuring of 19 persons following two car bombs along with three car bombs in Wasit that resulted in killing three people according to an initial count.

    AIN had reported source at the Intelligence Dept as saying "30 car bombs entered Baghdad and the same number in other provinces."


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